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Single Source Energy Solutions for a National Hotel Group

Our relationship with the Vine Group of hotels has developed considerably over the years, starting with a fixed energy contract for one hotel, to now providing a complete energy management service to thirteen of its properties.

During the start of the Ukrainian war, the business decided to switch most of its gas and electricity from fixed to flexible energy contracts to try to mitigate price hikes and buy more flexibly. That has reaped benefits recently, as prices have fallen below the cost of earlier fixed-term contract costs.

Our flexible procurement service encompasses providing budgeting and forecasting costs, live pricing direct from the market rather than risk-inflated supplier costs, and reports to help them monitor and manage their consumption use. We have also saved them money on their water bills and helped them to receive the maximum rebates from government schemes.

More recently, our energy management team have completed detailed energy efficiency audits and reports for five hotels to provide a priority list to work towards. Investments so far include new lighting and occupancy control systems, extractor fans, and heating and air flow systems.

Short term investment will provide £143,000 and 107 tonnes of carbon savings every year when implemented which will move them towards a carbon-neutral future.  


Tony at Vine Group comments

"The team at Professional Energy has been instrumental in assisting our group move forward to take greater control of our energy usage through on-site energy surveys and actively taking on board best practices and recommendations within the surveys.  We can see the benefits of the changes in the monthly reduction of consumption. Their funding advice also helped us drive our initiatives forward.
The level of detail and time provided at contract renewal time is invaluable in assisting us in making the best decision to suit our needs.  Using a flexible purchase option has worked very well in securing the best reductions possible in our unit cost."

Get in touch to find out how we can help you with your hotel energy strategy.

0114 327 2645

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