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Less than a Year to Go Until the ESOS Phase 3 Deadline

Any business that meets the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) qualification criteria has less than a year to complete the energy assessments, get them verified by an ESOS assessor, and submit them by the 5th of June 2024.

What are the criteria?

Your business qualifies if it has met one or both of the following criteria for two consecutive years on or before 31st December 2022:

  • More than 250 employees in the UK

  • A turnover exceeding £44.1m and a balance sheet exceeding £37.9m on 31st December 2022

What do the energy assessments involve?

The assessments are the energy audits of a company’s buildings, industrial processes and transport which identify cost-effective energy-saving plans.

To comply you must:

· Measure 12-month energy consumption for buildings, industrial processes and transport

· Identify the significant areas of energy consumption which account for >95% of your total energy consumption

· Conduct energy audits to find energy efficiency solutions for any high-consumption areas

· Appoint a ‘Lead Energy Assessor’ to review your ESOS Assessment

· Report your compliance to the Environment Agency portal by the 5th of June 2024

What happens if you do nothing?

There are some hefty fines in place for companies who fail to follow the ESOS regulations:

· Failure to notify the Environment Agency of compliance - £5,000 plus £500 per working day you remain in breach

· Failure to maintain satisfactory records - £5,000 plus a sum equivalent to compliance body costs

· Failure to conduct a satisfactory energy audit - £50,000 - plus £500 per working day you remain in breach

How can we help?

Our team have a proven track record in helping businesses become more energy efficient and able to cut future costs, carbon and consumption through our detailed site energy audits.

Our new Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme (ESOS) assessments service, delivered by our in-house ESOS Lead Assessor, complements this by ensuring eligible businesses achieve compliance.

Contact us

Speak to one of our Energy Managers today to find out how we can help you achieve full legislative compliance or help with your energy reduction plans.

0114 327 2645


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